The editor features a variety of fonts for your use. Set a global text font or choose to differentiate your text by using multiple different fonts on your site.
Font Library
To see what the available fonts look like:
In the side panel, click Design, then click Global Text.
Select a font from the Font drop down menu.
The following is a list of available fonts in the editor:
Alegreya | Amiri | Arial | Barlow | Be Vietnam |
Comfortaa | Dancing Script | DM Sans | DM Serif Display | Epilogue |
Fjalla One | Heebo | Helvetica | Inter | Jost |
Lato | Lora | Merriweather | Monsterrat | Noto Sans |
Noto Serif | Nunito Sans | Open Sans | Oswald | Playfair Display |
Poppins | Prata | Prompt | PT Sans | Quicksand |
Raleway | Roboto | Roboto Mono | Roboto Slab | Rubik |
Slabo 27px | Source Sans Pro | Spartan | Sulphur Point | Ubuntu |
Vidaloka | Work Sans | Yeseva One | Kinsta | Bebas |
Muli | Old Standard TT | Petit Formal Script | Rock Salt | Shadows Into Light |
Droid Sans | Droid Sans Mono | Droid Serif |